Accessibility at Fresno State
Access at Fresno State
Fresno State has a long-standing commitment to make its programs, services, and activities accessible to the university community. We embrace this commitment in all areas, including information technology, and strive to become 100% accessible in its digital environment, which includes websites, web applications, and online content.
Our campus is dedicated to cultivating a welcoming and supportive environment that enhances success and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff regardless of personal experiences, values, and world views that arise from differences of culture and circumstance including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, language, socioeconomic status, geographical context, and abilities/disability. We also provide the leadership and structure for the campus to engage in assessment on issues of equity, inclusion, and diversity, as well as increase the effectiveness of existing programs and services, develop new programs and services, build consensus and support, and model equitable and inclusive outcomes.
To the best of its ability, Fresno State purchases, develops, and repairs digital resources to comply with all federal and state accessibility guidelines, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d). Fresno State is also guided by the California State University Accessible Technology initiative (ATI) and corresponding memorandums and Executive Order 1111.
To report accessibility or usability problems with any Fresno State web pages, please contact the webpage owner. You can also email to report any accessibility or usability problems and to suggest web page improvements. We value the insights and ideas you may share as a visitor to these web pages.
ADA Coordinator/Compliance Officer
Julie Irwin WCCP, SIP, COEE
Workers' Compensation Manager/Interim ADA Coordinator
Human Resources
Office of Digital Accessibility
Michael J. Harding
Digital Accessibility Coordinator
Services for Students with Disabilities
Jennie Johnson
Director, Services for Students with Disabilities